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Private apps

From this section of the dashboard, you can upload your own private Android apps or create web apps to distribute on your devices.

The only details you need to provide are an app's title and APK. Private apps are automatically approved for your organization and are typically ready for distribution within 10 minutes. You can upload a total of 15 private apps per day. Note that web apps also count towards this total.

The first time you publish a private app, you'll need to provide an email address to receive notifications from the Play Console about your apps and Google Play developer account. Also, managed Play automatically creates a Play Developer account on behalf of your organization. You don't need to pay a registration fee for this account.

Private apps published from the iframe:

  • Aren't subject to the same checks as other apps. As a result, they can't be converted to public apps.
  • Are non-transferrable. You can't transfer ownership of an app to a different Play Developer account.

For more details please visit the Managed Google Play HelpĀ