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Personal usage

This section only apply to company-owned devices with work profile.

1. Camera disabled

Whether camera is disabled.


2. Screen capture disabled

Whether screen capture is disabled.


3. Max days with work off

Controls how long the work profile can stay off.


4. Play Store mode

This mode controls which apps are allowed or blocked to the user in the personal profile's Play Store.

Blocklist (default): All apps are available and any app that should not be on the device should be explicitly marked as Blocked in the Applications setion.

Allowlist: Only apps explicitly specified in the Applications section with Install type set to Available are allowed to be installed in the personal profile.


5. Applications

List of applications that must be allowed or blocked on the personal profile. The behavior of the list's content depends on the value set on Play Store mode.

To add a new app from Play Store, click on the + icon.

5.1. Install type

Types of installation behaviors a personal profile application can have.

Blocked: The app is blocked and can't be installed in the personal profile.

Available: The app is available to install in the personal profile.