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1. MinimumLivello API levelminimo

TheIl minimumlivello allowedAPI Android APIminimo level.consentito.


2. EncryptionPolicy policydi crittografia

WhetherSe encryptionla iscrittografia enabled.è abilitata.

DefaultPredefinito: Thisquesto valuevalore isviene ignored,ignorato, i.e.ovvero nonon encryptionè required.richiesta alcuna crittografia.

EnabledAbilitato withoutsenza password: Encryptioncrittografia requiredrichiesta butma nonessuna password requiredrichiesta toper boot.l'avvio.

EnabledAbilitato withcon password: Encryptioncrittografia requiredrichiesta withcon password requiredrichiesta toper boot.l'avvio.


3. AutoData datee andora timeautomatiche

WhetherSe autola date,data, time,l'ora ande timeil zonefuso isorario enabledautomatici onsono aabilitati company-ownedsu device.un dispositivo di proprietà dell'azienda.

DefaultPredefinito: Unspecified.non Defaultsspecificato. toL'impostazione predefinita è UserScelta choicedell'utente.

UserScelta choicedell'utente: Autola date,data, time,l'ora ande timeil zonefuso areorario leftautomatici tosono user'slasciati choice.alla scelta dell'utente.

EnforcedApplicato: Enforceapplica autola date,data, time,l'ora ande timeil zonefuso onorario theautomatici device.sul dispositivo.


4. LocationModalità modeposizione

TheIl degreegrado ofdi locationrilevamento detectiondella enabled.posizione Theabilitato. userL'utente maypuò changemodificare theil valuevalore unlessa themeno userche isl'utente otherwisenon blockedsia fromaltrimenti accessingbloccato devicedall'accesso settings.alle Onlyimpostazioni applydel todispositivo. company-ownedSi devices.applica solo ai dispositivi di proprietà dell'azienda.

DefaultPredefinito: Defaultsl'impostazione topredefinita è UserScelta choicedell'utente.

UserScelta choicedell'utente: Locationl'impostazione settingdella isposizione notnon restrictedè onlimitata thesul device.dispositivo. NoNessun specificcomportamento behaviorspecifico isè setimpostato oro enforced.imposto.

EnforcedApplicato: Enableabilita locationl'impostazione settingdella onposizione thesul device.dispositivo.

DisabledDisabilitato: Disabledisabilita locationl'impostazione settingdella onposizione thesul device.dispositivo.


5. DeveloperImpostazioni settingssviluppatore

Controls access to developer settings: developer options and safe boot.

Default: Unspecified. Defaults to Disabled.

Disabled: Disables all developer settings and prevents the user from accessing them.

Allowed: Allows all developer settings. The user can access and optionally configure the settings.


6. Common Criteria Mode

Controls Common Criteria Mode—security standards defined in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC). Enabling Common Criteria Mode increases certain security components on a device, including AES-GCM encryption of Bluetooth Long Term Keys, and Wi-Fi configuration stores. Warning: Common Criteria Mode enforces a strict security model typically only required for IT products used in national security systems and other highly sensitive organizations. Standard device use may be affected. Only enabled if required.

Default: Unspecified. Defaults to Disabled.

Disabled: Default. Disables Common Criteria Mode.

Enabled: Enables Common Criteria Mode.


7. ShareCondividi locationla disabledposizione disabilitato

Whether location sharing is disabled for work apps. On profile-owner devices, disable location for work profile. On fully managed devices, disable location on entire device (also overriding "Location mode").


8. CreateCrea windowsfinestre disableddisabilitato

Whether creating windows besides app windows is disabled. This option prevents the following system UIs from being displayed: toasts and snackbars, phone activities (such as incoming calls) and priority phone activities (such as ongoing calls), system alerts, system errors and system overlays.


9. Network escape hatch

Whether the network escape hatch is enabled. If a network connection can't be made at boot time, the escape hatch prompts the user to temporarily connect to a network in order to refresh the device policy. After applying policy, the temporary network will be forgotten and the device will continue booting. This prevents being unable to connect to a network if there is no suitable network in the last policy and the device boots into an app in lock task mode, or the user is otherwise unable to reach device settings.


10. DefaultAttività activitiespredefinite

A list of default activities for handling intents that match a particular intent filter. For example, this feature would allow IT admins to choose which browser app automatically opens web links, or which launcher app is used when tapping the home button.

10.1. ReceiverAttività activitydel ricevitore

The activity that should be the default intent handler. This should be an Android component name, e.g. Alternatively, the value may be the package name of an app, which causes Android Device Policy to choose an appropriate activity from the app to handle the intent.

10.2. ActionAzione

The intent actions to match in the filter. If any actions are included in the filter, then an intent's action must be one of those values for it to match. If no actions are included, the intent action is ignored.

10.3. CategoryCategoria

The intent categories to match in the filter. An intent includes the categories that it requires, all of which must be included in the filter in order to match. In other words, adding a category to the filter has no impact on matching unless that category is specified in the intent.


11. PermittedMetodi di input methodspermessi

Specifies permitted input methods.

All allowed: No restriction applied. All input methods are allowed.

Only system's: Only system's built-in input methods are allowed.

Only system's and provided: Only the provided and the system's built-in input methods are allowed.

11.1. AllowedMetodi di input methodsconsentiti

Input method package names that are allowed. Only applies when Permitted input methods is set to Only system's and provided.


12. PermittedServizi accessibilitydi servicesaccessibilità permessi

Specifies permitted accessibility services.

All allowed: Any accessibility service can be used.

Only system's: Only the system's built-in accessibility servicess can be used.

Only system's and provided: Only the provided and the system's built-in accessibility services can be used.

12.1. AllowedServizi accessibiliydi servicesaccessibilità consentiti

Allowed accessibility services. Only applies when Permitted accessibility services is set to Only system's and provided.


13. SystemPolicy updatedi policyaggiornamento sistema

Configuration for managing system updates.

Default: Follow the default update behavior for the device, which typically requires the user to accept system updates.

Automatic: Install automatically as soon as an update is available.

Windowed: Install automatically within a daily maintenance window. This also configures Play apps to be updated within the window. This is strongly recommended for kiosk devices because this is the only way apps persistently pinned to the foreground can be updated by Play.

Postpone: Postpone automatic install up to a maximum of 30 days.


14. SystemPeriodi updatedi freezeblocco periodsdell'aggiornamento del sistema

An annually repeating time period in which over-the-air (OTA) system updates are postponed to freeze the OS version running on a device. To prevent freezing the device indefinitely, each freeze period must be separated by at least 60 days.