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In thisquesta sectionsezione youè canpossibile configureconfigurare security-relatedle policies.policy relative alla sicurezza.


1. MaximumTempo timemassimo toper lockbloccare

MaximumTempo timemassimo (in seconds)secondi) fordi userinattività activitydell'utente untilfino theal deviceblocco locks.del Adispositivo. valueUn ofvalore pari a 0 meansindica thereche isnon novi restriction.è alcuna restrizione.


2. StayRimani onacceso whendurante chargingla ricarica

TheLe batterymodalità pluggeddi ricarica per le quali il dispositivo rimane con lo schermo acceso. Quando si utilizza questa impostazione, si consiglia di deselezionare Tempo massimo per bloccare in modesmodo forche whichil thedispositivo devicenon stayssi on.blocchi Whenda usingsolo thismentre setting,lo itschermo isè recommended to clear Maximum time to lock so that the device doesn't lock itself while it stays on.acceso.

ACCaricabatterie chargerCA: Powerla sourcefonte isdi analimentazione ACè charger.un caricabatterie CA.

Porta USB port: Power sourcela isfonte adi USBalimentazione port.è una porta USB.

WirelessCaricabatterie chargerwireless: Powerla sourcefonte isdi alimentazione è wireless.


3. Keyguard disableddisabilitato

WhetherSe theil keyguard is(blocco disabled.schermo) è disabilitato.


4. PasswordRequisiti requirementsdella password

Password requirement policies. Different policies can be set for work profile or fully managed devices by setting the Scope field.

4.1. ScopeAmbito

The scope that the password requirement applies to.

Auto: The scope is unspecified. The password requirements are applied to the work profile for work profile devices and the whole device for fully managed or dedicated devices.

Device: The password requirements are only applied to the device.

Work profile: The password requirements are only applied to the work profile.

4.2. PasswordLunghezza historycronologia lengthpassword

The length of the password history. After setting this field, the user won't be able to enter a new password that is the same as any password in the history. A value of 0 means there is no restriction.

4.3. MaximumNumero failedmassimo passwordsdi forpassword errate per il wipe

Number of incorrect device-unlock passwords that can be entered before a device is wiped. A value of 0 means there is no restriction.

4.4. PasswordScadenza expiration timeoutpassword

This setting forces the user to periodically update their password, after the specified numbers of days.

4.5. RequireRichiedi sblocco con password unlock

The length of time after a device or work profile is unlocked using a strong form of authentication (password, PIN, pattern) that it can be unlocked using any other authentication method (e.g. fingerprint, trust agents, face). After the specified time period elapses, only strong forms of authentication can be used to unlock the device or work profile.

Device's default: The timeout period is set to the device’s default.

Every day: The timeout period is set to 24 hours.

4.6. PasswordQualità qualitydella password

The required password quality.

None: There are no password requirements.

Weak: The device must be secured with a low-security biometric recognition technology, at minimum. This includes technologies that can recognize the identity of an individual that are roughly equivalent to a 3-digit PIN (false detection is less than 1 in 1,000).

Any: A password is required, but there are no restrictions on what the password must contain.

Numeric: The password must contain numeric characters.

Numeric complex: The password must contain numeric characters with no repeating (4444) or ordered (1234, 4321, 2468) sequences.

Alphabetic: The password must contain alphabetic (or symbol) characters.

Alphanumeric: The password must contain both numeric and alphabetic (or symbol) characters.

Complex: The password must meet the minimum requirements specified in passwordMinimumLength, passwordMinimumLetters, passwordMinimumSymbols, etc. For example, if passwordMinimumSymbols is 2, the password must contain at least two symbols.

4.7. MinimumLunghezza lengthminima

The minimum allowed password length. A value of 0 means there is no restriction.

4.8. MinimumLettere lettersminime

Minimum number of letters required in the password.

4.9. MinimumLettere lowerminuscole case lettersminime

Minimum number of lower case letters required in the password.

4.10. MinimumLettere uppermaiuscole case lettersminime

Minimum number of upper case letters required in the password.

4.11. MinimumCaratteri non letteralfabetici charactersminimi

Minimum number of non-letter characters (numerical digits or symbols) required in the password.

4.12. MinimumCifre numericalnumeriche digitsminime

Minimum number of numerical digits required in the password.

4.13. MinimumSimboli symbolsminimi

Minimum number of symbols required in the password.


5. FactoryRipristino resetdelle disabledimpostazioni di fabbrica disabilitato

Whether factory resetting from settings is disabled. Only apply to fully managed devices.


6. FactoryProtezione resetripristino protectionimpostazioni di fabbrica

Email addresses of device administrators for factory reset protection. When the device experiences an unauthorized factory reset, it will require one of these admins to log in with the Google account email and password to unlock the device. If no admins are specified, the device won't provide factory reset protection. Only apply to fully managed devices.


7. KeyguardFunzioni featuresdi blocco schermo

Keyguard (lock screen) features that can be disabled.

7.1. DisableDisabilita alltutto

Disable all current and future keyguard customizations.

7.2. DisableDisabilita camerala fotocamera

Disable the camera on secure keyguard screens (e.g. PIN).

7.3. DisableDisabilita notificationsle notifiche

Disable showing all notifications on secure keyguard screens.

7.4. DisableDisabilita unredactedle notificationsnotifiche non modificate

Disable unredacted notifications on secure keyguard screens.

7.5. IgnoreIgnora lo stato del trust agent state

Ignore trust agent state on secure keyguard screens.

7.6. DisableDisabilita fingerprintl'impronta digitale

DisableDisabilita fingerprintil sensorsensore ondi secureimpronte keyguarddigitali screens.sulle schermate di blocco sicure.

7.7. DisableDisabilita textl'inserimento entrydel intotesto notificationsnelle notifiche

DisableDisabilita textl'inserimento entrydi intotesto notificationsnelle onnotifiche securesulle keyguardschermate screens.di blocco sicure.

7.8. DisableDisabilita faceautenticazione authenticationcon il volto

DisableDisabilita facel'autenticazione authenticationtramite onil securevolto keyguardsulle screens.schermate di blocco sicure.

7.9. DisableDisabilita irisautenticazione authenticationcon l'iride

DisableDisabilita irisl'autenticazione authenticationtramite onl'iride securesulle keyguardschermate screens.di blocco sicure.

7.10. DisableDisabilita alltutte biometricle authenticationautenticazioni biometriche

DisableDisabilita alltutti biometrici authenticationtipi ondi secureautenticazione keyguardbiometrica screens.sulle schermate di blocco sicure.