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Dispositivi di proprietà dell'azienda per uso esclusivo lavorativo

Full device management is suitable for company-owned devices intended exclusively for work purposes. Enterprises can manage all apps on the device and can enforce the full spectrum of Android Management API's policies and commands.
It's also possible to lock a device down (via policy) to a single app or small set of apps to serve a dedicated purpose or use case. This subset of fully managed devices is referred to as dedicated devices.
To set up full management on a company-owned device, use one of the following provisioning methods (ensure that the enrollment token has Personal usage set to Disallowed):

QR code method

Android version
On a new or factory-reset device, the user (typically an IT admin) taps the screen six times in the same spot. This triggers the device to prompt the user to scan a QR code.

DPC identifier method

Android version
If Android Device Policy can't be added via QR code a user or IT admin can follow these steps to provision a fully managed or dedicated device:

1. Follow the setup wizard on a new or factory-reset device.
2. Enter Wi-Fi login details to connect the device to the internet.
3. When prompted to sign in, enter afw#setup, which downloads Android Device Policy.
4. Scan a QR code or manually enter an enrollment token to provision the device.